APRIL 22, 1994
Memorial turnout was appalling
To the Editors:
I have read the Chronicle since my return to the Cleveland area in 1987. Many of the articles talk about the community loyalty and strength. It has been my observation in this town that the loyalty and strength only exists to those who are in the bars. The minute they leave the bar, it goes right out the window.
Today, I attended the memorial for David Nauman (aka Stella Montclair). As Stella, many people claimed to be her friend, and as David there were also many claiming to befriend him. I must admit, I had only known David briefly, but was totally appalled by the turnout.
First of all, the memorial was announced to the entire community through the Chronicle. For the two days prior to the service, Ray Newborn received many phone calls from people stating they were going to attend the service. There were only eight people who attended the service including the host.
If this is the idea of the Cleveland community on treating one of their own legends (Stella Montclair), I must state strongly my feelings of hatred and bitterness towards the community. Families that deny us or are bitter for our being gay would show more compassion than our own community showed at this memorial.
I am personally sick and tired of reading about unity within our community when it is only words. "I'm from Missouri... Don't tell me, show me." This should be the motto in our community. Not just how many drinks will you buy me . . . then I'll be your friend and only as long as you are giving to me.
This may sound bitter and it is. I will probably offend many readers... good! We talk about being accepted as gays. Well how can we be accepted when we treat our own like a piece of shit. How can we expect the so-called "straight" community to treat us any different than we treat each other? I hope this makes everyone as mad as I am right now. Then maybe they'll get off their
changes have taken place and, being one of the founders of this project, I felt the time had come to bring it back into action to help the gay and lesbian inmate with the many issues they face daily.
OGPRP is a non-profit organization formed to be a service and support to and for the gay and lesbian prisoners presently incarcerated in any correctional institution or facility.
It is the purpose of the Project to help the gay and lesbian inmate to maintain a positive self image, to protect them whenever possible from unnecessary and unwarranted acts against them whether mental, physical or sexual. It is the goal of the project to be a positive support in areas of counseling and a healthy support for those who are HIV positive. It is also our desire and goal with the assistance of other support groups to offer an inmate spiritual renewal and assist those inmates who feel a need for support for past substance abuse problems. These efforts will allow the inmate to reach a more fulfilled life and will assist the inmate in returning to the community when the inmate's time is completed.
OGPRP will in the future seek out support and aid from private organizations to include grants and support as we aid those who are in need of our services. It is also a goal of the project to seek the recognition, respect and the legal protection provided by the laws of the State of Ohio.
My associate and partner in the Project, Ron Taylor, is working diligently to allow the reactivation to be as smooth as possible. We face many complex problems as we bring the Project into action, therefore, this letter is also our way of asking for your assistance to help make OGPRP a reality. I want to express my thanks to you for taking the time to read this letter and should you or your organization have any questions concerning the Project please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to answer any concerns you might have.
Bobby J. Gibson Ohio Gay Prisoners Rights Project P.O. Box 1251 Perrysburg, OH 43551
fat asses and work together as a community Gays and straights
and treat each other like a community and a family.
Everyone talks about us being a family. So where were they? I guess it only exists while they are being given something. Otherwise you are good for nothing. It may cut into their drinking time to attend a memorial, or visit someone who is dying of AIDS, or any other disease.
Ray and Tim, the hosts of the memorial, should be even more pissed off than I am. They went to a great deal of trouble to honor a great friend and "sister." They were the ones who were slapped in the face by the community. Not me. But on behalf of them, I'm disgusted with the Cleveland gay community. I don't know what it will take to wake you people up.
Everyone of us has gone to more memorials than we ever should in our lifetime. This is no excuse. There is no excuse anyone can give for not attending David's memorial. There is no excuse that could ever be acceptable.
should be friends
To the Editors:
I wish to say that I agree with Diana Tabor [Community Forum, Apr. 8]. Speaking from experience, my wife is from
Provincetown and the local economy is poor due to homophobia and heterophobia. The old time Portuguese people are moving south to Truro, Mass., and real estate is declining in Provincetown because some heterosexuals fear the gays and some gay "selectmen" are speaking of getting rid of the "breeders."
This type of bigotry on all sides will only hurt since some liberals in Cape Cod are getting disillusioned. To have harmony and prosperity, all people need to have equal opportunity in jobs and friendships between gay and straight folks.
John P. Simmons
Wake up Cleveland! The next memorial Vote for Boyle
everyone ignores may be yours.
Thank you for printing this. I hope it reaches the people it needs to. Cleveland is a great city, it just needs to get back to the basic fundamentals, caring about our own people.
Ronald Rooy Charles J. Dale
Help for prisoners
To the Editors:
This letter is sent to you today to inform you that the Ohio Gay Prisoners Rights Project which was formed to assist gay and lesbian prisoners is being reactivated.
Since the Ohio Gay Prisoners Rights Project (OGPRP) was first formed, many
To the Editors:
We are constantly barraged with advertisements for politicians running for office in the May primary election these days. It is important for us to listen to these ads to gain knowledge about the candidates so that we can make informed choices about the officials we elect to public office. My concern is that the candidates who have the most money and best public relations firm will emerge as the best candidate when, in fact, that is not the case.
The most dramatic example of this travesty of our political system is evident in the race for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Howard Metzenbaum. There is no candidate run-
ning for this office who has the public service record and commitment to the needs of all citizens than Mary O. Boyle. Mrs. Boyle has proven time and again that she believes in equality for all. This viewpoint has been a constant in her record as an Ohio State Legislator and a County Commissioner.
I encourage all voters, Republican and Democrat alike to ignore the flashy commercials, campaign promises, and tendency to vote for names they recognize. It is time for the American voter to act responsibly by voting for the candidate who is most qualified to represent all of us. For the United States Senate, that candidate is Mary O. Boyle.
Michael J. Readinger
Community Forum
The Chronicle encourages everyone to write and express your opinion about the community or the paper. Please, however, keep letters constructive, and avoid namecalling and personal attacks. Please be brief. We reserve the right to edit letters. We will print your name unless you specifically ask us not to.
Address letters to the Chronicle, P.O. Box 5426, Cleveland, Ohio, 44101, or fax to 216-621-5282 (24 hours). Include your address and phone number so we may contact you to verify the letter.
Dale Miller
State Senate District #23
•Plain Dealer
•Mayor Michael White •Mayor John Coyne
•Clerk of Courts Benny Bonanno •Cuyahoga Women's
Political Caucus •Local 268, A.T.U. •The Gay People's Chronicle
Results Make the Difference
Paid for by the friends of Dale Miller, David Stack, Treasurer 3489 W. 126th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44111
david's dog designs
(Formerly Groomingdale's No Affiliation to Bloomingdales)
4495 Rushton Road South Euclid, OH 44121 Located behind McDonalds
Award Winning Groomers
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at Mayfield & Green